Dress for the Job You Want

A few months ago, I received a message from someone pretty high up at my company. He participated in a meeting that I had lead and when it was over he messaged me, unprompted, to tell me how great my facilitation was. I found out later that he also messaged my manager. I felt so encouraged by him doing that I thought, when I'm that high up, I want to do that too.

Then, I stopped myself. Why wait? Do I need to have that much influence to be able to encourage my colleagues? Sure, maybe it won't mean as much to someone else right now, to get a message from little old me. But if I want it to be a habit later, I should start doing it now.

Do you remember that saying… Dress for the job you want, not the job you have? I used to think it was about how your actions impact others. Now when I hear it, it reminds me how my actions impact myself.  If I want to be a certain person one day, I need to start acting like that person today.

When you are on the road to something, the beginning is more about you figuring it out. It should be about what you want to put out there, not about how it is received. You may think you want that job, but if you start dressing for it you may realize you don't. And if you do still want it, by the time you get there your shoes will already be worn in.

Who is it that you want to be? Start being that person, any part of that person, today. If you want to be an artist, then make art. If you want to open your own brewery, then start brewing beerIf using your voice on social media is something you want to do, then do it. Who cares if you only have 400 followers. Post like you have 400,000. Don't let your lack of audience or influence keep you from figuring out who you're meant to be.

Kristen B Hubler

Inspiring growth in leadership and in life. 


Don’t Be Self-less, Be Other-ish


Stop Listening to the Voices That Don’t Matter