Know Your Worth

Every once in a while, someone unsubscribes from my weekly email. I can't deny that it hurts a little bit. I wonder what I did wrong that week to make them say I don't want this anymore. But just as quickly as I start to doubt myself, I force myself to change the soundtrack in my head. I stop the negative self-talk and remind myself that it's okay.  

The more of yourself you put out into the world, the greater the chance of someone rejecting it. It's a statistical inevitability. My book will not be everyone's cup of tea, just like there are plenty of books and movies that others love but I hate. We are all different and we are all at different stages in our lives which means my writing might resonate with some more than others. Still though, despite knowing this, it hurts and it is hard. 

On days like this, I look to my "atta girl file" which today is filled with many messages from people telling me how my writing has impacted them. I've written just a few below not for you, but rather for me. It is my record, my reminder that what I'm doing matters. It is also my thank you to those that have sent me messages like this. They keep me going on days I doubt myself. They lift me up and remind me why inspiring others is my mission in life. 

"Hey, I just finished reading your book, and it's wonderful! I love how you blend research, other authors' ideas on the topic, and personal experiences with a compelling voice. The chapters on motivation were especially inspiring!" 

"Just finished your book. It's a great read. I enjoyed the style. I am so proud of you and what you've accomplished with this book.. And with your life." 

"It's so amazing to see where you are. The conversation we had a few years ago about work, and finding your passion really changed my life. I was able to change careers and some amazing things. If I hadn't taken that first step, I would never have been able to work remotely, which wouldn't have allowed me to be there for all of my daughter's greatest moments. So thankful for you, wishing you all the best of luck!!" 

"I read The Impossible Box - AMAZING! Wonderful book and lots of great thoughts/ideas to help me get some of my dreams unstuck!" 

"Great job with the book, really enjoyed reading it." 

"I read your book on my flight out to California last week! Incredible work, I loved the application component! :)" 

I love my 'Atta Girl File, and the story behind it, yet I recognize that it is flawed because it still relies on the voices of others to life me up. Wouldn't it be great to not need any of that? Each day I think I get a little closer to that; a little closer to not caring about who subscribes or unsubscribes. A little closer to knowing for certain that my value does not come from others, it comes from within. It sounds cheesy, but it's true.  

I hope I can get there, but I also hope I never have to. I hope I am always surrounded by people that take the time to lift me up; people who send the text, write the review, pick up the phone, and make plans to hang out. I hope I always have people in my life that do that for me, and I hope I can be that person for others as well, because isn't that was life is all about? 

So what's your 'Atta Girl File? Do you have reminders that you can read on days when you get down? When you feel like the world has unsubscribed to you, I hope you have a way to still find your value and know your worth. 

Kristen B Hubler

Inspiring growth in leadership and in life.



Then and Now