Mix It Up

I can’t remember the last time I was the first to wake up in this house. This year we have 8 adults, 3 young kids, and two dogs, so I’m not really sure how the only kid-less and dog-less person managed to get up first. But here I am, sitting outside on a cool summer morning, coffee in hand, listening to nothing but the sound of the birds.

At first, I was going to write about the need for some silence. The need to get away from all the noise in the world and just be still. Then, I realized that it wasn't silent. There was noise everywhere. The water lapping against the dock from the morning breeze. The birds chirping loudly all around me. Some cicadas off in the distance. There's still so much noise. But it’s different noise. It’s a change in scenery. It’s a change in atmosphere. It’s something to get me out of the routine.

I know, I know, I’m always talking about building routines and habits and I’m not changing my mind on that. But we also need to mix it up every once in a while. We need to try something different and see where it takes us.


Those first three paragraphs I wrote a few weeks ago on my phone, sitting in an Adirondack chair right by the water. As I read them, I’m taken back to that spot and long to be there again. The ironic thing is that if I was there every day, I might be wishing I was here, in my favorite Coffee Shop in NJ, drinking my cold brew and writing.

So much of the thrill of life is variety. As humans we all long for routine and everything I've told you about habits so far shows that we are able to be our best selves when we have that structure. But as much as we need stability, routine, and comfort. We also need passion. We need spontaneity. We need the unknown. The more of life I live, the more I realize that where I feel the most alive is when I have a healthy balance of both.

Is there a routine in your life that has turned into a rut? Do you frequent all the same restaurants? Shop at the same stores? Has date night with your significant other turned into the same take out on the same couch? Don't get me wrong, I like Chinese food and catching up on the latest Marvel series as much as anyone else. But maybe this week, instead of that same routine, try something new. Mix it up, and see where it takes you.

Kristen B Hubler

Inspiring growth in leadership and in life. 


Back In The Habit


Don’t Cut Out the Good Stuff