Catch Up

Every day I get an email in my inbox called The Skimm - it gives me a highlight of the News of the day that I typically read in the morning when I'm drinking my coffee. Sometimes, when life is a little more full, I get out of my typical routine and fail to read it. When this occurs, since I don't want to miss out on anything happening around the world, I keep them in my inbox with the hope that I'll be able to catch up. Unfortunately, the result is just more unread emails in my inbox and a feeling like I'm behind. No matter how good my week was or what I've accomplished, I see those unread emails and I feel like I've failed.

Has this ever happened to you? Life gets busy and instead of dropping something to make room for something else, you just add on more, and more, and more? Well this week's ever-so-short post is your reminder that it's okay to drop one thing so you can pick up another. You don't need to play catch up on things that don't truly matter. In other words, just delete the emails; stop trying to handle it all and instead just handle what you can today.

Kristen B Hubler

Inspiring growth in leadership and in life.

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