It’s Okay to Change Your Mind

When I was 3 years old, I took a dance class.

I believe there’s a ridiculous picture of me somewhere at my parents' house that can serve as proof. I was dressed in a fake grass skirt and had more make up on than I’ve ever worn as an adult. Looking at that picture you might think I would have pursued a career in dance. Yet, surprisingly, the following year when my mother asked me if I wanted to go back to dance class, I apparently said something along the lines of “why would I go back? I already know how to dance.”

At the young age of four, I thought the idea of repeating something that I already knew how to do was absurd. As an adult, I know there is value in learning more and growing and yet I still believe there is some wisdom to be gained from my younger self.

Everything we do doesn’t need to be a big goal or achievement. 

We don’t need to become experts all the time. There is value is trying something for a while and then stopping. It’s okay to go down a certain path, learn more about it, and then change your mind. Sometimes, if we want to figure out our interest level, we need to take the class and see if we want to take another. If we don’t? That’s okay. It’s not quitting. It’s not failing. It’s just life.

Don't let the gravity of something stop you from trying it out. You don't need to commit. You don't need to have a plan. Sometimes the best thing you can do is to just get your feet wet and see if you like how it feels.

Kristen B Hubler

Inspiring growth in leadership and in life.

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