Slip and Fail

The first time I stayed at the Home 2 Suites in Lehi, I saw this little card next to the front desk. It highlighted a nice path nearby where I'd be able to walk or run. I wanted to grab it and go explore, but the part of me that doesn't like to try new things talked myself out of it. I thought about it every morning when I woke up. I thought about it the next time I was there too. But instead of taking a risk with the unknown, my anxious self-talk talked me down and I stuck with the treadmill in the small hotel gym.

Today (January 8, 2022), I'm proud to say that I took the card, pushed past my nerves, and walked out the front door to find the trail. What made me laugh is that I found it immediately. The whole time I was worried it wouldn't be obvious or well-marked and I would get lost. It's also winter, so I didn't know if it would be cleared or if there would be snow or ice that would make it dangerous. I almost didn't go for all those reasons, but I’m so glad I did. The trail wasn't unsafe or confusing, it was the exact opposite. I was so happy in the first mile thinking about the Sunday Starter I would write about how most of our worrying is for nothing. So happy until… I slipped on black ice and hit the ground hard.

In that moment, it would have been very easy to retreat back to the hotel with an "I told you so" attitude. But instead, I realized that even with the fall… even with the fail… I was still glad I went. Even though today it was icy and I endured a little pain, I now have a new running path that I can enjoy every time I'm at the office in Utah. Well, every time I'm there in the Summer anyway.

Sometimes… we worry for good reason and all those reasons come true. But that doesn’t' mean we can't gain something and learn in the process. I was afraid I would slip and fall. What happened? I slipped and fell. And yet I still wouldn't trade the experience.

The next time I have a worry that's holding me back, I hope I don't just try to shove it down. Rather, I want to think about "what if it comes true… will it still be worth it?" If the answer is yes then I hope I always muster the courage to walk out the door.

Kristen B Hubler

Inspiring growth in leadership and in life.

Muddling Through


I Didn’t Know