The 5%

There is a quintessential moment in nearly every romantic movie. It's that dramatic kiss when the couple finally gets together. Imagine that moment right now. Now tell me - what's the weather like? Is it raining? Yeah.. It's probably raining because it always is. Sweet Home Alabama… The Notebook… Singing in the Rain… although I guess we saw that one coming. But heck, even Spiderman and Daredevil make the list. I don't know why a kiss isn't as romantic when the sun is shining, but it's true and that's what I was thinking about as I was sitting on my kayak watching the storm clouds roll in.

I thought about that one time when I was 16 and it started pouring rain at the Italian Festival, and my friends and I ran down the street laughing and loving every moment. I went to the Italian Festival every year of my young life and yet that's the moment I remember.

I thought about last year when my friends and I were on the dock and a sudden storm blew in, bringing with it torrential downpour and what felt like hail. We were probably miserable and cold in the moment but the memory makes me smile and laugh.

I thought about how there is a part of us that wants that life-altering, forever memorable moment. We want the kiss in the rain. But there is also a part of us that sees storm clouds and wants to start paddling back home. We want to make it back before the rain, before we're uncomfortable because the realistic side of us knows that getting caught in the rain isn't fun. The romantic side of us, on the other hand, knows that those are the makings for the best moments in life. The best memories.

It's the 6 hour, back-breaking, blister-forming hike up the mountain for the 5 minute breathtaking view from the top. It's sitting in jersey shore traffic for hours just so you could see your toddler play in the ocean for the first time. It's taking the red eye so you can get a few more hours in the weekend to see the ones you love. It's moments that are 95% uncomfortable but what's left is what life is all about.

I want to experience more of the 5%. The 5% is the story that you tell. It’s what other people know and it’s worth the 95 uncomfortable because that 5 wins you over time and time again. It’s why you put yourself out there. It’s why you risk everything. Because it’s worth it.

How often, in an effort of self-preservation, do we turn back from the best moments in life? I don't know about you, but I don't want to turn back anymore.

Kristen B Hubler

Inspiring growth in leadership and in life.


