Through Fresh Eyes

It is refreshing to hear an experience through the eyes of children. Back in September, I had that opportunity when I was on a flight to Orlando. 

Sitting next to me was a woman with her 10 month old daughter. Her other two daughters, ages 4 and 7, were with their father in the row in front of us. I admit that my first response to being near a family was a bit grumpy - well at least I have my noise canceling headphones, I thought. Before I put them on, I glanced at the mother. I could tell she was a tired. The 4-year-old was already crying because the 7-year-old got to sit next to the window. Fortunately, my few mimosas from the United lounge had left me in a good mood and so instead of tuning them out, I chatted with her. This was their first trip to Disney World and the first time their girls had ever been on a plane. 

I'm really grateful I talked with her, and hadn't put on my headphones yet, because once the crying stopped all I heard was the pure joy of experiencing flying for the first time. 

Are we on the runway yet? 


We're flying!

This is amazing!

We're in the sky!

This is the reaction we should have every time we're in the sky, because it is amazing. It's incredible. We're flying! We take for granted the little miracles of life like this; we forget how wonderful our world really is. So many things we should be grateful for and amazed by, but we get lost in the routine of it all that we forget to appreciate it. 

This is so much fun!

We're on the ocean!

Are those houses? They're so tiny!

Zooooom zeeeee zooooooom we're going so fast!

The next time life feels dull because you are treating it like any old routine, try to remember what it was like to experience something for the very first time; like a child or the first person to ever do it. The first person to ever be lifted off the ground and experience the feeling of flying. The first time you saw the leaves change in the Fall; to see a tree light up like it's on fire. The first time you saw the ocean, enjoying the sun on your face and the wonder of how vast it is. 

What is happening!?

We're going under the sea!

Daddy, we're in the clouds!

Mommy, have you ever been this high before!?

Our world is pretty cool, so try and slow down every once in a while and open your eyes to what’s around you; being able to appreciate all the miracles of life, is a miracle in itself. 

Kristen B Hubler

Inspiring growth in leadership and in life.

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