What Would Jesus Say?

Today, is Easter Sunday. No matter where you stand on religious beliefs I think anyone would agree that this holiday is celebrated all across our country. Some celebrate by going to church. Some dye eggs. Some hunt for plastic and chocolate hidden by a mystical bunny rabbit. Some do all of the above. When I think on all the different things that have made their way into this once religious holiday, I can’t help but ask the question: What would Jesus say?  

Would He be happy we were celebrating at all? Would He be upset with the way we are doing it? 

I laugh at the thought of trying to explain how the Easter Bunny Egg Hunt is relevant to His resurrection. Would He be offended? Or maybe… would He look around and see all the children’s smiling faces and say  - yessss, this is exactly what I meant when I said let the children come.  Would He see family and friends gathered around the table and say - yessss, this is what I meant when I talked about breaking bread together . Would He care if I went to church to check a box? Or would he say - church can happen anywhere. Prioritize loving the people around you. 

 Sometimes I think Christians today are so focused on remaining true to their interpretation of the Bible that they forget what it’s really about. Religion aside, I think we all do this with many things in our lives. We get so focused on the logistics and details that we lose sight of why we’re even doing it. 

 As we celebrate Easter today, in any way we might do that, I hope we all take a step back and remember the big picture. Forget about the meal being perfect or the house being spotless. Leave your judgement at the door and embrace a holiday that is all about love and hope. 

Kristen B Hubler

Inspiring growth in leadership and in life. 


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