Professional Development Blog

Openness to learning and growing is partially achieved in how you deliver feedback in the moment, and partially in what you have done the days, weeks, and months prior to that moment.”

— Kristen B. Hubler | One on One 101

No Agenda? No Thank You.
productivity Kristen B Hubler productivity Kristen B Hubler

No Agenda? No Thank You.

Get in the Habit Series | Part 2

Have you ever received a meeting invitation with absolutely no indication as to what it is about? You look at the title and attendees and wonder why this is worth 60 minutes of your time. With no warning, you show up unprepared to engage in the conversation and you half pay attention while you continue to…

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The Subtle Art of Saving Time
productivity Kristen B Hubler productivity Kristen B Hubler

The Subtle Art of Saving Time

How to Shift From Multitasking to Multipurposing

I used to take pride in the fact that I was very good at multitasking. I would listen to a podcast, while cooking dinner, cleaning the kitchen, and answering work messages. What's funny is that I can’t even sing in the shower and remember if I already conditioned or not, so why would I ever think I can successfully multi-task and still be on top of my game? This way of working has become a source of pride among the busy. As it turns out though, they are probably getting less done than someone with a more balanced, focused schedule because what we think is multitasking is actually just diluted, less focused and therefore less productive work.

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Focus Time That Actually Lets You Focus

Focus Time That Actually Lets You Focus

Clearing the Path for Change | Part 4

It is ironic that the only way I have managed to start writing this article on Focus Time, was to wake up at 5am on a Saturday. It has been on my To Do list for weeks, but somehow there was always something more pressing that bumped it down the line. Does this sound familiar to you? Too often the environment that we are living and working in does not leave enough uninterrupted space to focus on the things that matter most.

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The Path to Modern Collaboration

The Path to Modern Collaboration

Clearing the Path for Change | Part 3

When I was just shy of 2-years- old, I drove our old red minivan into a tree. My mother had left the car running and parked in our neighbor’s driveway, just stepping out for a quick moment to drop something at their front door. In the minutes she was gone I successfully broke out of my car seat, climbed over three rows, put the car in drive, and drove down the hill into a tree. Before you try to cast blame on my mother, you should know that I also tried to jump off the dresser claiming I was super baby and therefore could obviously fly. So clearly no number of straps were holding this child down. At least not in 1987.

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