What Waiting Looks Like and Why It’s Worth It


I was reading Dr. Seuss' "Oh the Places You'll Go" yesterday and came to the chapter on "The Waiting Place." I couldn't help but laugh out loud because I feel I had been stuck in The Waiting Place for quite some time. This limbo between who I had been and who I was going to be. I still lived my life and lots of things were happening but I was still there. I was still there waiting to see if who I wanted to be was ever going to come to reality.

I wanted to write all this down today because I never want to forget how long the waiting was. When we finally get that thing we've been waiting for, all those months or years suddenly seem to fade away. Which is probably a good thing, because we're so happy to be where we are. Unfortunately, this phenomenon of fading puts us in a poor position the next time we have to enter The Waiting Place. We've forgotten that all that time was worth it. We've forgotten that our prayers had been answered, it just took a while. We've forgotten that sometimes the best things take time to unfold. I never want to forget again.

So here's my story…

March 17, 2018…. That was the first moment I had the thought "I should be doing more than this." And that's not to speak poorly of the job or life I had before. I did very good work and so many things I was blessed by. I was by no means unhappy or unsatisfied. But it was still there. That day something started in me and only grew louder over time. Dreams that had been left unsaid. Passions unfulfilled. Visions of a person I wanted to be one day still hung in the far distance of my mind with no direct path formed to get there. It was on that day, unbeknownst to me, that I entered The Waiting Place.

September 4, 2018…. That was the first moment I realized I wouldn't be able to become the person I felt like I was created to be and still do the job I was doing. Up until that moment, the past five months I had been dreaming about writing books and speaking and all things I thought I could do without changing anything major in my life. I started to make moves and take small steps in the right direction but the thing is, if you want something big you need to make big moves.

February 12, 2019…. That was the first moment I realized I was still making small moves. I had convinced myself that no one would want me. I had convinced myself that my dreams were too big and it would take a long time to get there. Instead of applying for the positions I wanted and thought I was qualified for, I cast the largest safety net you could ever imagine and put out some stepping stones. And not just one or two, I started a path of stepping stones miles long. It was safe. It was easy. I would still get to my goal someday but I wasn't rocking any boats. Then on February 13, 2018, after several stages of interviews with one company, I was rejected on the basis of being too qualified.

February 12, 2019…. Too qualified?! Fine! If you won't let me make small moves then I'll make a BIG one. That night, after crying a lot of frustrating tears… after questioning all my plans and doubting my decision to ever quit my old job… I got in my pajamas, poured a glass of wine, got out my laptop and started searching for the job I wanted. I threw away every stone I had, every safety net, and I went for the job I thought I was qualified for. Screw my experience. It may be unconventional but I know what I'm capable of. I'm a good bet and it's about time I started betting on myself.

February 12, 2019… Application started.

February 13, 2019… Application with video answers submitted.

February 20, 2019… First interview on the phone. 

March 1, 2019… Second interview with a virtual mock training.

March 15, 2019… Third virtual interview.

April 4, 2019… Received email making it to the last round.

April 23 - 24, 2019…. Final rounds of interviews

April 29, 2019… Received first offer

April 30, 2019… Negotiated offer

May 1, 2019… Officially accepted offer

Do not be fooled by how quickly I went through those last few months. In-between those dates was a whole lot of waiting. A whole lot of fear that I made a mistake. A whole lot of worry that I didn't know where my next paycheck was coming from. A whole lot of hustle at part time jobs to make sure I had a paycheck at all. And yet, underneath it all, there was a still small voice telling me to keep going. I am overwhelmed with gratitude for the people in my life that encouraged me to listen to that voice.

If you are stuck in The Waiting Place, be patient my friend. It's tempting to want to find an alternative way out. A window, a back door, or pull a full-on Shawshank Redemption and get the hell out of there. But those are the forced decisions that lead to regret. They feel great at first, because you're out and you're doing something, but they're not what you were meant for. Keep waiting for the door to open. If you're not sure which door is the right door, just keep knocking until one opens. You'll get there and it will be well worth the wait. All the best things in life are. Fast food is pretty good, but you deserve the Filet.

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Kristen B Hubler

Inspiring growth in leadership and in life. 


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