Fail Big

I hate this picture: success pointing in one direction and failure in the other. As if there is some magical choice you can take in life to avoid failing. What a silly and completely ridiculous notion. Failure isn't something we avoid by taking the right route, it's a necessary pitstop along the way. You will fail. It is inevitable. The question is, will you fail at doing the mundane? Or will you fail big, reaching for the thing you want the most? And when you do fail, will you keep going?

When we think of the people that we idolize, we forget about all the failure they experienced on their way to success. Stephen Spielberg, for example, was rejected by the University of Southern California's School of Cinematic Arts. Twice. You probably have heard that Thomas Edison was told by his teachers that he was "too stupid to learn anything." J.K. Rowling was rejected by multiple publishers before hearing the word 'yes' and going on to sell over 400 million copies of Harry Potter books. Dr. Seuss was similar, being rejected by 27 publishers until getting one that would take a chance on him. Stephen King's "Carrie" was rejected 30 times. Oprah was fired. Van Gogh only sold one painting. Michael Jordan was cut from the team. Walt Disney's editor told him he "lacked imagination." Disney…. lacking imagination… Seriously?!

After the fact, when he know the success stories of these people, it's very easy to look at all the people that told them they couldn't do it and laugh at them. It's easy to think "what idiots!" But back then, in that moment, maybe they had good reason to give that advice. Maybe these famous people were being told these things because in that moment they weren't giving their best. Maybe, in those moments, they were failing. Maybe Michael Jordan wasn't that good yet. The thing is, we know who they are today because they didn't just roll over and call it quits. Maybe, Disney really wasn't creative but when he heard it he wouldn't believe it. He didn't take no for an answer. He pushed himself to be one of the most creative people out there. Whether the voices of those "experts" were on the money or completely off, those listening to them didn't care! They finally found success because when someone told them 'no' they flipped them a big old bird and kept on going!

There's a small book that sits on my desk that was given to me by my parents. It is filled with pages of quotes and little sayings and one of them reads "half of doing is believing that you can." I think the other half, is not giving up when you can't. Because it will happen. There will be a time that comes when you can't do it. Your idea won't work, they won't let you onto the team, you don't get into the college of your choice, or that dream job turns you down. Whatever it is you will fail. So fail BIG. Fail over and over again until you get it right. Fail until you stop failing.

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Kristen B Hubler

Inspiring growth in leadership and in life.

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