What I Told Myself This Morning

What I told myself this morning…

I am too tired.

It's way too early.

I’m still fighting a cold so I should probably sleep in.

I ran enough earlier in the week, so I can probably skip today.

I’ll run tomorrow instead.

Why did I decide to run another marathon?

I am so tired.

I can't do it.

What I did this morning…

I ran 12 miles.

There will always be voices in this world telling us that we can’t do it. That we're too tired, too slow, too fat, too whatever to reach our goals. The funny thing is, at least for me, the loudest voice like that is usually my own. We need to stop listening to all the reasons we can't do it, and remember that we are built for far more than we realize. The impossible only stays impossible when we fail to conquer the difficult. Once the difficult is in our wake and we have a better view, the once impossible seems plausible and a new impossible appears on the horizon. With every step forward, every goal conquered you reveal more of what you are capable of but that only happens when you choose to ignore all the things that weigh you down.

This morning I told myself I couldn't do it, and then I got out of bed and did it. What did you do this morning? What will you do tomorrow? Get out of bed. Change your horizon. The only thing really holding you back, is you.

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Kristen B Hubler

Inspiring growth in leadership and in life. 




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