Personal Growth Blog

“In the critical moment of decision, being kind to yourself is not letting yourself off the hook for things that matter to you, but rather remembering what really matters to you.”

—Kristen B. Hubler | Be Kind To Yourself (Part 2)

Kristen B Hubler Kristen B Hubler

Patience Makes Practice

Many of us involved in this AI wave find ourselves using the phrase “it’s not the magic bullet.” This is because the expectations of stakeholders who invest in bringing AI tools to their organizations find themselves disappointed with the current capabilities. In my experience the products themselves, while they are new and filled with room for improvement, are still rather remarkable. The disappointment doesn’t come from the product but in the expectation of the product. People wanted a magic bullet, and they didn’t get it.

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Kristen B Hubler Kristen B Hubler

The Instant Gratification Thief

Today is the first day in a while that I am sitting down to write. It's been almost two months of being my own boss and yet all the time I thought I would now have has quickly gone to other things; even with a more flexible schedule the task of writing is one that still remains difficult for me to start. I used to think it was that I didn't have enough hours in the day but now I can clearly see that time is not the problem but rather instant gratification...

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Kristen B Hubler Kristen B Hubler

The Sunk Cost Problem

Have you ever paid of a lot of money for a fancy dinner and then been disappointed in the outcome? The steak was good, but was it $50 good? If we never have to eat there again then we'll feel a little annoyed that we wasted our money, but we'll move on; we learn from the bad experience and eat some place different next time. But what about decisions that last longer than a meal?

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Kristen B Hubler Kristen B Hubler

Take the Leap

I’ve been at the airport for a few hours now, stuck at Newark because of a storm. With my headphones on and lightning streaking across the sky, I have found the most perfect flow; that moment when you become so fixed on what you’re doing that everything around you fades away, a feeling of bliss descends, and you know you could do what you’re doing forever...

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Kristen B Hubler Kristen B Hubler


A few years ago, Andrew and I were at a wine tasting near Niagara Falls. We walked into the small winery and over to the counter to sample what they had. The first wine was poured; Andrew took a sip, noting the flavors that stood out to him. I then took the same glass from him and had a sip. I also noted those flavors but then picked up on something different...

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Kristen B Hubler Kristen B Hubler

The Irrational Bouquet

Sometimes, as humans, we are irrational; we don’t always know why we’re upset. When those moments happen it’s hard to articulate what we need because we don’t know. Sometimes, there’s nothing that caused it, which means there’s no amount of rational discussion that can fix it. This summer I had a day like that...

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Kristen B Hubler Kristen B Hubler

Leveling up

A while back, I went to a two-day conference to develop my public speaking skills. One of the owners and leaders of the event, Michael Port, wrote a book called The Referable Speaker. In the book he gives guidance to people like me who have gotten to a place in their career where...

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Kristen B Hubler Kristen B Hubler

Find your Formula

I'm not feeling inspired…  I said these words to Andrew in the United lounge of Newark Airport. A busy airport with lots of frustrated people waiting around from delayed flights was - surprise, surprise - not exactly a fertile environment where I am primed for success...

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Kristen B Hubler Kristen B Hubler

Do you need to be helped, heard, or hugged?

I firmly believe that communication is the foundation of anything profoundly good or bad. Are you feeling wonderful and heard? Good communication has occurred. Are you feeling terrible and ignored? It's likely because you are left with too many questions and only your own anxiety-filled-imagined-answers. Communication is at the core of every relationship we have and yet the typical person has very little understanding of what makes good communication good.

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Kristen B Hubler Kristen B Hubler

Risk Management

Someone this week told me I was brave for starting my own business. It is true, it is brave to take a risk like this. Looking from the outside in it probably looks very risky to walk away from a steady job. What most people don’t see though is that you can be brave and take risks, while still being smart about it.  The first big risk I ever took was when I was 22 years old, and I decided to move to Ecuador…

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inspiration Kristen B Hubler inspiration Kristen B Hubler

The power of a pause

As I watched Simone Biles make history as the first woman’s gymnast to win two Olympic all-around titles in non-consecutive games, I could not help but think about how courageous she was for taking a pause on her career. In a time when she was the best in the world, she put her mental health over expectations of others. She hit pause because she needed to and look what happened. She not only came back to reach the level she was at prior to the pause but she excelled beyond it, making history.

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Kristen B Hubler Kristen B Hubler

Vacation Mode

This morning, I woke up feeling very relaxed. I went through my usual routine - bathroom, brush teeth, make coffee - and somewhere in there I took out my phone and noticed it was Sunday. I had been enjoying my vacation so much I completely forgot what day it was. In the 174 weekends I have been sending out this email, this is the first that I was so blissfully distracted I completely forgot about it.

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Kristen B Hubler Kristen B Hubler

Know Thyself

I remember many conversations from my 20s centered around what my wedding would look like. At that age, I went along with the expectations: I would have a big wedding, 10 or so bridesmaids, and lots of flowers. But when it was my turn to have my special day, I found myself making decisions I didn’t expect. I didn’t want a big bridal party, just my sister and my best friend. I didn’t want a big limo or lots of flowers, instead we used the money on Skee Ball, drove ourselves home, and skipped the after party.

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Kristen B Hubler Kristen B Hubler

Too salty

A group of friends sat gathered at a table. They had already exhausted conversations about their work and their lives so they moved on, like many of us do, to trying to convince the others to watch their favorite shows. Eventually the conversation led to the bad shows, the horrible movies, the ones that are not worth your time. What is interesting with these flops is that many of them had brilliant actors. 

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Kristen B Hubler Kristen B Hubler

You’ll never put out my fire

Whether you are burning bright, or barely keeping your flame lit, you have a fire burning in you. It is the essence of who you are to everyone else in this world, the best parts of you that others are inspired by and admire. It is the piece of you that was meant to be on this earth. Every day, every week, every season of your life, you will encounter people that will either be oxygen to your flame or wind that tries to burn you out…

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Kristen B Hubler Kristen B Hubler

The Right Path

Years ago, I was hiking a mountain near Park City, Utah. It was late Fall, at a time when normally the mountains would be covered in snow, but due to the unusually warm weather there was only traces. I began the hike up the mountain like any other. While I had never done this hike before, I expected to see signs along the way and a clear path to follow.

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Kristen B Hubler Kristen B Hubler

What kind of role model do you want to be?

Earlier this week I received a text message from my sister about my niece; it was a message that filled me with so much joy I find it difficult to find the words to describe it but I want to try. Recently my niece began reading and watching the Harry Potter series and two things have resulted from this. The first is that my Instagram algorithm has now started sending me Harry Potter Reels which are hilarious. The second is that my niece has chosen to dress up as Emma Watson for a school event which led to my sister sending me this text…

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Kristen B Hubler Kristen B Hubler

How to do something that scares you

Just do it. That’s it. That’s the advice summed up in three words. Just. Do it. For the past year I’ve been wanting to start an LLC for my writing, book, and other consulting dreams, and for the past year I did just about everything I could do except starting an LLC. I met with lawyer friends to ask their advice, I googled “how to start an LLC”, I posted on Facebook asking for help, I wrote a Sunday Starter about starting an LLC; I did everything except go to the website and fill out the form. 

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Kristen B Hubler Kristen B Hubler

Find Your Five

When I was in 5th grade, I finally made the travel soccer team. After this many years, I cannot remember if it had been my first or second year trying out for the Travel League, but I remember that I was one of the best players in the Not-a-Travel league. Top scorer and team player, I wasn't surprised when I made the team and I expected to impress everyone when I walked into that first practice. What I very quickly and painfully learned, was that my other team wasn't that great; I went from being the best player on one team, to the worst on the other.

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Kristen B Hubler Kristen B Hubler


Andrew and I are currently out to dinner and we just overheard a guy at the bar telling a hilarious story. Immediately we both stopped talking to try and listen, chuckling because even though we were sitting in silence right now, we knew we’d be super entertained chatting about it on the ride home. It reminds me of one anniversary in Niagara Falls…

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